Scholl Centre (Bournemouth)
76 Old Christchurch Road, Bournemouth BH1 1LR, United Kingdom- Podiatrist
- Dermatologist
Talking to other people regarding their encounters, doing very own investigation, and asking for other views may help make selecting a doctor in the vicinity of 76 Old Christchurch Road, Bournemouth BH1 1LR, United Kingdom less difficult. It is feasible that a family member, good friend or coworker has been a individual of this consulting room, as well as that they have been subject to some therapy identical or similar to the a single you will need.
The little ones will always want to attend the medical specialist once we give them the correct waiting space because they will chill out and also have a lot more entertaining. To determine whether Scholl Centre at Bournemouth meets your needs, you need to discover which area of expertise is most effective to treat your unique pair of signs or symptoms.
As a client, you have to request the credentials of the experts who are likely to help you and learn how updated the physicians of Scholl Centre are before reserving a prior visit. Your opinion is an essential issue on the medical specialist you can find the at the health facilities of United Kingdom, they can be always courteous and able to response any queries you could have about the process.
The little ones will always want to attend the medical specialist once we give them the correct waiting space because they will chill out and also have a lot more entertaining. To determine whether Scholl Centre at Bournemouth meets your needs, you need to discover which area of expertise is most effective to treat your unique pair of signs or symptoms.
As a client, you have to request the credentials of the experts who are likely to help you and learn how updated the physicians of Scholl Centre are before reserving a prior visit. Your opinion is an essential issue on the medical specialist you can find the at the health facilities of United Kingdom, they can be always courteous and able to response any queries you could have about the process.
How to reach the premises
Write down the GPS coordinates we've got on our file for this health facility, so you can enter them into your GPS to help you locate the health centre easily.:
50.721203, -1.875522-
United Kingdom, England, Bournemouth -
76 Old Christchurch Road
Bournemouth BH1 1LR
United Kingdom
Get their opening hours before dropping by
This would be the most recent speak to data we've got:
Telephone +44 1202 557944
not provided -
not provided
If you believe that any of the info is incorrect, please contact us. Help us be better day-by-day.
We strongly recommend contacting this clinic before dropping by, since it could be closed, moved or changed its opening hours.